IDN TAKE: One of the Best F-22 Raptor Airborne Images Ever

The images in this post show F-22 Raptor stealth fighters belonging the first F-22 squadron in Alaska, USA.
Taken by aviation photographer John Dibbs, they were released by Lockheed Martin’s Code One magazine. The pilots are the most experienced F-22 squadron in the USAF, with four of the eleven total Raptor pilots who have achieved the 1,000-hour milestone.
The Arctic Raptors “are nine hours or less flight time to almost any location in the northern hemisphere. Further, with the renewed Russian bomber activity over the last several years, the F-22s at Elmendorf are on alert twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.”
Indeed, F-22s based in Alaska have often been scrambled to intercept Russian Tu-95s in the past months.
Admin - IDN

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