Nag missile hits bull’s eye with modified seeker

The indigenously-built third generation, fire-and-forget anti-tank missile, Nag, scored a “bull’s eye” and successfully hit the target 4 km away during a night trial in the Mahajan Field Firing Range, Rajasthan, last week.

During the test, the Thermal Target System (TTS) developed by a defence laboratory at Jodhpur was used as target for the missile, which is in the final user configuration. TTS simulated a target similar to an operational tank as thermal mapping from tank to TTS was carried out for generating thermal signature.

According to scientists of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the trial validated the enhanced 4-km range capability of Imaging-Infrared seeker, which guides the missile to the target after its launch. The scientists said multi-purpose mission exercises were carried out for improving the system. With the modified seeker achieving requisite range capability, the scientists said the Nag missile was now ready for final, pre-induction user trials.

Director of Defence Research and Development Laboratory, (DRDL) K. Jayaraman said the final user trials would be conducted in different conditions in summer and winter this year. Using HEAT (High explosive anti-tank) warhead, the top-attack all-weather fire-and-forget system is capable of destroying modern tanks with armoured protection by nullifying their ERA (explosive reactive armour).

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